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2014 Tour Week 1

2014 Andrew Ironside Tour Week 1

What a privilege to be in this amazing country once again! Flying over with Deano was such a breeze and were greeted by our good friend Matti from http://faithlifechurch.org After cramming all of our gear into Matti’s little coupe we spent the next 2 days unpacking and getting all of our new gear ready for tour. It was like Christmas came early when I got to unbox the Digico SD11i console and my new Shure wireless gear, then Fulcrum-Acoustic PA turned up!. The rest of the guys turned up the next night and on Thursday we headed to our first venue, via Guitar Center of course!

Plainview Open Bible Church has been such great hosts to us, letting us use their auditorium to do our first set-up and rehearsal. Drew from http://risenamps.com turned up to deliver our new Claymore heads and speaker cabs. Risen sponsored me on tour last year and I just had to have one! They sound amazing and they’re such a great company to deal with. After ironing out a few bugs with the setup we got on to rehearsal for the tour… some of the songs included Alive by Hillsong Young & Free, God’s Great Dance Floor by Chris Tomlin and God I Look To You by Bethel. Even in the rehearsals I could already sense such an amazing presence of God and an open heaven.

Sunday services were fantastic. Andrew’s message in the AM service was so impacting for all the generations represented in the church and we went into the PM service with the tour’s first Worship Encounter. It’s always such an amazing thing to what people grasp the biblical principles of our expressions of worship and go for it! It was so cool to have Hailey join us to sing Wake. I especially enjoyed the ministry time at the end when the altar was full of young people stepping forward to respond to the call of being released into their on worship ministry. Tomorrow night the younger lads with us, Joel, Deano & Sam, have been asked to take over the youth service, looking forward to supporting them and seeing what God does in the lives of the youth in Brookville. Just want to throw out a special thanks to Ps Josh Grimes and his family for being so kind and generous to us during our stay and I’m so looking forward to seeing you all again next year.

Keep posted for regular updates on the tour and some gear talk/reviews on some of the equipment that we’re using to make this year’s worship encounters the best yet.


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